Face care at home

A lot of women, especially pay attention to your face. Trips to the salons and cosmetology centres, which are very expensive and a good and fresh looking skin is what women want, despite the age. With special tools, which is in almost every home, it is possible to achieve results which are not worse than those achieved with frequent visits to the health centers.

face care

Secret skin care person at home, it is composed of several simple steps:

  1. In the stage of cleaning. Remove makeup, dead skin cells, dust, sweat.
  2. In the stage of toning, which we remove inflammation of the skin.
  3. The degree of hydration. Support balance and fluid exchange in the skin.
  4. Step nourishes the skin. These include procedures that support the regeneration of skin cells, defense mechanisms of the skin.
  5. Protective stage. Measures for the prevention of damage to the facial skin by external factors: snow, temperature changes, hot sun, etc ..

By following these tips, you can maintain Your face in good shape. For the care of the skin on the face, depends on the amount of fat and moisture in the cells. These criteria are the following skin types:

  1. "Oily" skin. Has a lot of choices in the subcutaneous fat, often the form of acne or pimples.
  2. Dry facial skin. For this skin type, it is not uncommon to wrinkles, processes of dehydration and flaking.
  3. Problematic skin. A lot of the redness, inflammation and acne.
  4. The combination of the skin. The distribution of subcutaneous fat is not uniform. For the nose, chin, forehead typical problems of oily skin. Other areas dry.
  5. Normal skin. Very few of the skin, without inflammation, subcutaneous fat and water balance.

Care for the "oily" skin

For leather of this type, the most important is, at what stage of the purification. Clean the face turns at least 3 times a day. You can use water and soap. Tonic properties will help you to get rid of the following problems: inflammation and blackheads. If you are using different creams, to fresh faces, that watch their fat, do not use very oily creams. Watch the number of cosmetic — an abundance of clogs skin pores and worsen its protective mechanisms. The best way to skin care are masks.

care for oily skin
  1. Take 50 grams. honey, 25 grams. yogurt and lemon juice (around 18 or). Mix all ingredients and apply the mixture on the face. After 15 minutes wash it off.
  2. Take 1 egg, select protein and then add 10 drops of juice. Blend the mixture and to is the mask for 20 minutes.
  3. That the decoction of calendula (take 20 gr. from the calendula flowers and leave them in boiling water for some time). Apply to your face packs in 10-20 minutes.
  4. In 100 ml of boiling hot water add 20 grams. koper. Cook in the soup for 5 minutes, add destroyed white egg and use a mask to "layer". After the procedure, wash it off.

Dry skin

Dryness of the skin due to the lack of vitamins C and A. If you want to fix Your skin condition, you need to modify your diet and add fruits and vegetables that are rich with these vitamins. Consider the amount of fluid that you drink per day. You need to drink at least 2 l of water. Do not use soaps, alcohol-containing means. It is recommended to use creams and gels with a high content of fat for skin care. Caution should be taken that the external factors: sun, wind, cold. Have a negative impact on dry skin. For the skin of this type use a moisturizing mask.

  1. Take 1 Apple, 10, or sour cream and 5 gr. olive oil. Chop the apples, add the butter and sour cream. Apply the mask for 15 minutes.
  2. Take 20 gr. honey and the same of cheese. Mix the ingredients until a homogeneous mass. The mask is applied for 15 minutes followed by rinse off and apply moisturizing nourishing cream.
  3. Mix in the same proportion the flowers of the yarrow, calendula, and oatmeal. You need to grind the mixture (e.g. in a coffee grinder) and add warm water. This mask is used for 20 minutes.
  4. Boil the 3 cabbage leaves in water (about 2-3 minutes). Cool and apply on the face. Before this, the face would be spread with vegetable oil. After such a mask, which is 20 minutes, the face should be wiped off with an infusion of chamomile.

Skin this type is most affected by age and more time, care, only more difficult.

"Problem" skin

If Your skin type is exactly the most important thing is to remove the factors that can affect Your skin. These are: stress, Smoking, alcohol, various diseases of human organs. If You are constantly with blackheads and inflammation on the skin, it would be better to clean your face from bacteria, dust and dirt. You can not squeeze pimples it may cause infection, infection, scarring. If You suffer from "black spots" or acne (black spots) on the face, use a special "deep" creams. Meanwhile, the following steps will help:

care for problematic skin
  1. Take white clay and mix it with water to get the consistency resembles sour cream. Cover her face and wait to dry.
  2. Take the yogurt and dilute to 20 grams. yeast (dry). With the help of a special spatula, apply the paste mixture on the face for 20 minutes.
  3. Go with egg protein, mix it with 30 gr. chopped sorrel. Apply the mixture on face for 15 minutes, then rinse with a damp cloth.

For the skin, this type is characterized and the more complex cases — brown spots. If You are faced with this problem, will help You:

  1. Mask from a Cup of yogurt and 1 t. aspirin (pills to be crushed into a powder). This mask is used for 10 minutes before bedtime.
  2. Squeeze the aloe Vera juice from 3 leaves. Dampen a cotton wool in it and apply to the stain, which should be covered with polyethylene. The procedure time of 30 minutes.
  3. Take 1 cucumber, 10, or sour cream and 4 drops of juice. Cut the meat, cucumbers, chop and mix with the remaining ingredients. The mask is used for 15 minutes
  4. Mix in equal proportions of honey and onion. Do the mask for 20 minutes and rinse with a cotton cloth soaked in water.

"Combination" skin

The most common type of skin. There is the T-zone (forehead, nose, chin), which contains a large number of sebaceous glands. This face is used for the type of "oily" skin. Despite the T-zone, and the remaining part of the face (eye area, cheeks, cheekbones) — properties of "dry" skin, with possible flaking. The facial skin of this type are most often used creams and fruit acids. For T-zone use light gels that improve the sebaceous glands. For areas of dry skin moisturizers. Will help film the mask to remove the layers of dead cells from the face and moisturize the skin.

  1. Take up to 10 gr. rolled oats, chop them. Pour boiling water, wait 10 minutes. Take the trowel and apply the paste on face for 15 minutes.
  2. Once again, you will need to cereals. Take 30 gr. flakes, mix with 40 gr. juice the fruit and add 20 gr. honey. Long mask, you need to set for 30 minutes.
  3. Select the protein with the eggs, add 30 grams. meals and bring down until smooth. Apply the mask for 15 minutes.
care for normal skin

"Normal" skin

To the skin "normal" type are not typical of "normal" problems of other kinds. The complexity of the supply, in this case, consists in its regularity. Stick to all the steps that we have discussed in the beginning of the article. Clean the skin every day from dirt and dust. At least 3 times a week, not a restorative, moisturizing treatment. The risk of external factors. If it is very Sunny, you should put on face creams that contain substances of the spf (see formulations cream). If it's cold outside — the cream is applied before going out, so he had to soak (at least 30 minutes). Will not harm the mask:

  1. Separate the yolk from the boiled eggs and pound of the powder. Add 5 ml of fruit juice. Apply the mask for 15 minutes.
  2. Take banana (ripe) and milk. Mash the banana with the peel, add the mixture of milk. The mask is used for 15 minutes.

Protection depending on the age of the

When growing up and aging, respectively, changes in the intensity of the human body, it also extends to the properties of the skin.

Face care after 30 years

It is in this age group become visible signs of the weakening of the regenerative abilities of the organism. Clearly visible traces of stress, lack of sleep, proper diet. In the meantime, for the first time to use the suitable restorative gels and creams. If you notice, incurred, permanent wrinkles start to use the creams for their smoothing. Pay attention to the area around the eyes — she is stronger than all the suffering in this age. Will help anti-aging mask:

  1. Mix 10 gr. of flour and 10 gr. milk. To the mixture add the egg yolk. The mask is used for 15 minutes.
  2. The same amount of currant leaves, Linden flowers, plantain, strawberries and chop them. Fill with boiling water and stir. This mask for 20 minutes.

In this age of great importance, is a way of life — more sleep, eat normally. Anti-aging mask is worth doing often.

Face care after 40

The first priority is to use a night cream before going to bed. Such a cream should contain vitamins groups E, F, C and retinol. You may not use the film the mask — damage and stretch the skin. Help for the following masks:

care after 40 years
  1. Mix in equal proportions of honey, glycerine, water, and ground oatmeal. Apply the mixture on face for 20 minutes.
  2. Take 35 grams. beer (light) and heat on a steam bath. Add 10 gr. olive oil and 30 gr. honey. Wait until everything dissolves. Take a cotton cloth and apply the mixture on the face. Wait for 10 minutes. Wash off the mask.
  3. Prepare a very thick mash and apply it on the face. Wait 20 minutes and rinse with pad. For rinsing, the use of water with soda.

Face care after 50 years

At this age already begins the process of aging. Use the rejuvenating and supporting procedures. Invalid haphazard approach to caring for the skin. The main task is the restoration of the protective functions of the skin. Protects the skin from UV rays, avoid stressful situations. Will help you:

  1. Mash 3 apricots and banana mush, add 20 gr. cream. With a brush apply the mixture on the face and décolleté.
  2. Take 30 gr. cottage cheese, 10 gr. olive oil and 10 gr. honey. Mix the ingredients and apply on the face. Remove after 20 minutes, rinse with water.
  3. Mix 10 gr. butter and the 10 or cream. Add 10 gr. in the juice. The mask is applied for 20 minutes. Remove with a cotton cloth soaked in a mixture of water and dry white wine.